
Showing posts from April, 2012

How are you programmed?

Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Then be careful how you listen. Luke 8:18 Back in the 80's, when computer programming was in its infancy and very slow and laborious (anyone reading this remember the days of Basic, Fortran, Cobalt, etc), there was this saying among those who programmed computers:  Garbage in, Garbage out.  It meant that if you input poor code (not in the right order or syntax) that  the output of the computer was also poor (It would not be able to compute as desired).  So, back then, if a computer was not performing, one would approach the problem by reviewing what was input in the first place. I know what I am about to say is so basic and so fundamental that its almost embarrassing to say, but here goes: Many people have dysfunctional lives and relationships, because they continually input dysfunction and degradation into their minds. Unlike computers, there is no keyboard of our souls where data

Where are all the prophets?

"Shall I for fear of scoffs and frowns, refrain my tongue?  Ah, no!  I speak as one that must give an account at the awful bar of God" Maria Stewart,  Abolitionist in 1831 I was doing some research for a project that I am completing when I came across the amazing writings of Maria Stewart.  Maria was born in 1803 into a Freed Black family in the northern U.S.  While her life had its share of heartaches and setbacks, she went on to become an outspoken critic of slavery, advocate for Black empowerment, women's rights and preacher of the gospel.  Her writing and speaking style is passionate and ferocious. I think I am most inspired by her prophetic sense of call.  She had every reason to be intimidated, yet spoke out publicly and boldly.  She was a Black woman in the early nineteenth century who lived in a time with violence against women and people of color was common place, yet she confidently spoke to truth to power.  She was able to do that because she experienced

New Orleans Easter Reflections

"Now it's time to acknowledge that faith is not a problem to be solved or a question to be answered, but a mystery to be lived-- the mystery of a real, live relationship with God--the GodLife relationship" Leonard Sweet in "What Matters Most" I had the privilege of attending the NCAA Final Four celebration in New Orleans, LA this past week.  It was a once in a lifetime experience among some of the most passionate basketball fans I have ever seen. It was my second time visiting New Orleans, which has a unique culture and spirit to it.  The city is known for its french influenced foods, entertainment, and even religion. One thing I noticed was that New Orleans was one of the most religious cities I had ever seen,  There are religious icons and churches every where.  Yet, New Orleans is one of the most decadent and immoral places in the world. A casual stroll down infamous Bourban street will have you trip over numerous drunken people, pass live sex shows