A Generous Faith

" God's gifts aim to make us into generous givers, not just fortunate receivers" Miroslav Volf in Free of Charge Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8 Today, I read an article about a pastor who left the following message for his or her waiter: This pastor refused the 18% gratuity that was added to his or her large party and instead left 10% (assuming it was cash as there is no tip on the receipt) based upon the pastor's concept that to give more would be to give more to the waiter than to God. This is a great example of terrible theology, and even more incredulous, a terrible, terrible witness to character of Jesus and his people. Throughout scripture, God is described as a generous God. He instructs his people to be "open handed" (Dt 15:8) and to be generous to others as we have been blessed, not because of our worthiness, but because o...