The indifferent church

“Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not!” —Dr. Seuss in The Lorax A.W. Tozer is quoted to have said that if the Holy Spirit were removed from the church today, 70% of churches would not notice. It is startling how quickly the people of God can go from deeply devoted followers to agents of indifference. Biblical indifference is apathy towards the things that matter to God. We see it throughout Scripture when the people of God value their own priorities above that of God’s. Elaborate systems and ideologies are developed around the man-made priorities, but in the end, Biblical indifference is disrespectful to God. We easily understand that the things of God include things like worship, and study of God’s Word, but struggle to recognize that his passion is for his creation including humanity. In the book of Revelations, Jesus speaks to Severn churches (real churches in the firs...