The Porn Problem

"40 Million Adults will view online pornography today"
Statistic from

We smerk about it.  Its hardly ever preached about. Its insidious to the American Culture.  It makes more money than Major League Baseball, the NFL, the NBA, and NHL put together.  The average American child will be exposed to it by the age of 11.  The average American 17 year old has been exposed to nearly a thousand different pornographic images.  35% of all website visits to adult websites were by women in 2004.

Pornography is the problem that no one wants to talk about. Yet, it is a problem.  Steady exposure to pornography can lead to changes in neurological pathways (literally rewiring how we think and experience things), social relationships, and spiritual health.  Those are the interpersonal effects, however, watching pornography also contributes to the exploitation and dehumanization of millions.  The money made in the porn industry fuels further exploitation.  That ongoing exploitation, where women and men particpate in un-intimate sexual acts becomes normative.  Sex becomes self-centered.  Masculinity and feminity are seen as sexual expressions as opposed ot character manifestations.  Illegal industries such as prostitution, sex slaves, and pedophillia are supported by the needs developed by those who have often been formed and shaped by pornography.

Promise Keepers, a Christian national men's movement, revealed that many of its participants had struggled with pornography (65%).  In my experience with Christian men, I find that this statistic may be a little low.  While it may not be on all Christian men's plate, I will estimate that at least 90% have at least tasted it at sometime.

Pornography ruins the sacredness of sex.  It reduces sex to a self-serving exchange instead of an intimate act of love.  Pornography cheapens sex by first cheapening us.  In pornography, we fantasize about others doing what we want them to do.  No matter what the content is, pornography deals with power.  It serves us and our fantasies.  That is the essence of injustice: An abuse of power.

As a person who grew up with the problem of porn, I may be more sensitive to the disease it presents, the cancer it causes, and the destruction it sows.  Its temptation is significantly worse than my young adult years due to its availability on the internet, with very little or low cost.  Its proliferation is causing an epidemic that is revealed in addictions, destroyed relationships, and a real inability to experience authentic intimacy.

If you are reading this and have made pornography viewing a part of your life, consider the outcome and its effects.  Just like those who use cocaine, do not believe that you can partake in porn without becoming eventually dependent upon it.  If you need help, consider checking or  Both have biblically based, online programs that have been effective. 

Its my prayer that the people of God would see pornography for what it is (speaking as someone who has real scars) and that we can restore intimacy and the sacredness of our sexuality.

May God bless you,

Pastor M Traylor


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