Jesus and Sexuality: The Conclusion

For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. (Colossians 1:19-20)

During this series, we have tried to take a sweeping look at sexuality, through the teachings of Jesus and his scriptures. While the topic is far to broad for a blog series, the goal was to critically examine what Jesus and the Bible said about sexuality and specifically, same-sex relationships in light of recent changes in the legality of same-sex marriage.

In the end, we are reminded of the big picture. The big picture is that God created the world and all of its people.  Creation not only was "good", but continues to have immense value.  Humanity, created to reflect the image of God was to live in harmony with creation and be a caretaker (thus actually reflecting God in action as well).  Humanity was created with a sexual nature that was also good, and this is affirmed over and over again in scripture.

The problem in the big picture comes when humanity seeks to be like God by defining for itself what is good and what is evil, instead of accepting it from its creator (Genesis 3).  This decision results in a separation in four distinct ways:

1. Humanity is separated from God.  No longer does humanity have free access to the creator who they were created for. 

2. Humanity is separated from each other.  There is division and competition instead of unity and cooperation.

3. Humanity is separated from itself.  There is an intrapersonal divison where individuals are often influenced to do things they no longer desire to do.

4. Humanity is separated from the Earth.  There is a disconnect between humanity and the creation it was supposed to care for, resulting in suffering.

The pinnacle of all revelation in the Big story is Jesus.  In the grand narrative, God sends his son to reconcile all that has been separated from him (see the opening scripture from Colossians).  This means that everything that has been corrupted due to the separation (which is called sin) can and will be redeemed or corrected in Jesus.

In our specific query, we have shown how our sexuality has been affected and distorted by our separation from God.  Sexuality becomes distorted when our understanding of ourselves and others becomes distorted.  In scripture, this distortion is seen obviously in sexual acts where  cruelty, domination, and dehumanization occur, but also in acts where we, often experience deep feelings of affection, care, and dare I say, love: Same-sex attractions, pre-marital intimate relationships, and inappropriate relationships outside of marriage (adultery).  In the latter situation, the subject of the relationship may be appropriate (to love, to be loved, to experience intimacy), but the object of that relationship is not (the object of the affection). 

The beauty of the big story is that Jesus comes to reconcile our sexuality as well.  He does not come to just give humanity a highly spiritualized sense that "we get to go to heaven", but brought a message the the power of God to restore humanity to its purpose is available now (Mark 1:14).  His death and resurrection is a pattern for all of us.  We put to "death" our understandings and patterns (Proverbs 3:5-6) and resurrect as a "new creation" (II Corinthians 5:14) to be more like our original design.

This means, we submit everything to Jesus.  Our lives, our possessions, our dreams, our careers, and yes, even our sexualities.  Its interesting that in scripture, we are never called to proclaim Jesus as Savior (someone who saves you from your sins and problems) but to proclaim Jesus as Lord (our master).  This submission to the work of Jesus is the beginning of the entire world being restored back to God and with one another.

We have talked over these 10 segments about sexuality and specifically same-sex relationships.  I have mentioned several times that Jesus himself is never recorded saying anything specifically about his own sexuality or same-sex attraction.  What Jesus does talk about is trusting him as the initiation of a new creation (John 3) that specifically submits everything to the original purposes of God.

The goal of focusing on the immorality of a particular type of sexuality was never a focus of Jesus, because he knew, as I suspect many of you reading this realize, there is something deeply wrong with all of us without the loving healing of God.  The goal of Jesus' message was to focus on wholeness and healing that is found in him, as opposed to finger pointing and judging that only divides and self-incriminates.

It is my hope, that regardless of how you have seen your own sexuality, that the most important thing you understand is that life is greater than your sexuality.  Jesus came to give life and restore life to you (John 10:10) and that is the authentic Christian celebration.

Its my prayer that we are able to celebrate the big story daily.

May God bless you,

Pastor M Traylor


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